Friday, June 21, 2013

Final Post...For Now

     After reading over my posts from the past six weeks, I agree with my classmates that we have made a ton of progress and have learned so much. My first couple of posts strike me as kind of silly now- I can't believe that I was so worried about incorporating technology into the classroom. I suppose the philosophical basis still exists, but I now feel like I have the tools to be discerning about how I choose to use technology. I can't realistically view it as just a standard to check off anymore; I have learned that technology definitely does have a myriad of benefits in today's classroom.
     I can definitely tell from my posts just when my attitude began to change. In week 3, I finally had my page looking the way I wanted it to and I was getting really excited about all of the things that I was learning. Then came infographics, the flipped classroom, and my RSS feed, which I swear has changed my life. My blog doesn't even begin to cover all of the things that I have learned over a few short weeks! I remember looking at our course schedule and thinking "there's no way I can get all of this done". I remember even more vividly thinking the same thing just last week. But even though the assignments were tough and I struggled and cursed (ok, a lot of that one), I don't think there is a single thing that I would change. I learned how to use an interactive white board and how to use it to differentiate lessons for the whole class; I learned how to edit a video and upload it onto YouTube, which lots of people do, but it turns out is really difficult; I learned about tons of amazing apps, websites, and programs to use in my future classroom for both my kids and my sanity. But I think the greatest thing that I have learned is to keep learning! I am still worried about how to keep up with changing technology, and I sometimes think that that in itself is a full time job, but I know that there are tons of people out there who can help me. I now at least know where to start looking, and that gives me a huge advantage. I'm happy to say that I am really looking forward to bringing some of these ideas and technologies with me when I meet my class this Fall.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct. There is no way to 'keep up' with all of the emerging technologies. But using a feed from some of the leaders in whatever fields you choose to follow is a good way to at least stay marginally informed. I'm glad your self efficacy with regards to technology has blossomed. Just keep watering the garden and it won't wilt! Your blog has really developed more sophistication over the past several weeks. You are a smart woman and a good writer and can have a very positive impact on out profession. Your blog is definitely on the road to 'exemplary.'
