Saturday, June 8, 2013

The flipped classroom

This week we had a very inspiring presentation from Dr. Lodge McCammon and Ms. Katie Gimbar about the flipped classroom. According to them, and to research and reading that I have done, this seems like *The Answer* to one size fits all education. Flipping the classroom means that teachers record their lectures, which students watch at home a few times per week, and then use class time to actually interact with the content.
 I love that this model puts the responsibility of learning back on the student and their parents, which is a huge issue that I see with the current model. Allowing students to take the time they need to digest a lecture and come up with questions before class actually makes them THINK (imagine that). Students can then come to class prepared to either apply what they have learned or get help on what they didn't understand. This allows teachers to differentiate instruction by providing extension activities or extra help to those who need it. This eliminates the issue of students not doing their homework because they didn't understand the lecture and being passed over. Dr. McCammon and Ms. Gimbar provide training for pre-service teachers on flipping their classrooms, and I fully intend to take advantage of it!

Here's a fun infographic that I found explaining the flipped classroom in a bit more detail!


  1. You've progressed a lot since week you have uploaded a graphic! Also your followers can see who you are following, which is also more interactive.

    When you feel ready to take your blog to the next level, you might want to take a peek at these: Carmen P., Diana S., Laura B., Heidi C., Evelyn C. Anna D.

    As you can see, I'm not where they are, either!

  2. Seems we are both big fans of the flipped classroom! Let's make videos together:)
