Monday, June 17, 2013

To Feedly, with love

Oh man. I think I might be seeing some light peeking under my technology-void rock. So earlier in the session, we were assigned to create an RSS feed and follow some blogs, which I wrote about a few weeks ago. Well, it took me a little while to ward up to the whole blog thing, and now I'm in love. I now have about 10 different blogs on my feed, not counting classmates' that I'm following. I check it daily, hourly, pretty much constantly. Writing my own blog is ok, it's kind of fun, but reading other people's blogs is downright mesmerizing. I have a daily infographic, a friend's homebrewing adventures, and tons of funny and insightful teacher blogs at my fingertips. I followed one blog simply because it has about 50 links to OTHER BLOGS! This does not bode well...
On the plus side, I am learning more and more about technology and getting excited about using some things in my classroom. I've found myself wondering what I'm going to do if my internship cooperating teacher doesn't use a interactive whiteboard. The only question I have now is, how am I going to learn about new technology after this class is over??

1 comment:

  1. I've been a little obsessive about checking in with my RSS feeds, too. I've also discovered "Zite" (through Debbie) that acts as an article collector. It's like Pandora for articles! It's hard to go to bed, sometimes, with the excellent content that keeps popping up.

    I think after this class we can still keep up with educational technology ideas by following other teachers and writers who are trying things out. I've bookmarked a few sites such as : Educational Technology & Mobile Learning . I think I'm going to keep using my RSS feeds long after this class is over!
