Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hook *Updated*

     Once I finally took the time to actually think about an engaging hook lesson, I think I came up with something good! The rationale is still the same; I want the students to think about and express what they already know about the government and the Constitution, but I want to include the visual arts in the lesson as well.  
     I want to begin by showing the students the painting Scene at the Signing of the Constitution by Howard Chandler Christy. I would have the students create a T-chart, with "What I see" on the left and "What it might mean" on the right. I would give the students a little time to look at the work, writing down what they see and then turn to their neighbor and talk about what they think is happening and what that might mean. After they have some time to discuss it, then bring the class back together to have a group discussion. This chart can serve as a pre-assessment  that can be refered back to later in the unit. 
     I would also want to give the students a chance to reinterpret the painting themselves. I could do this in one of two ways: I could let each student draw their own version, or I could have them work together to create one large image. If I chose to have the students work together, I would divide the painting using a grid, give each student a piece, and have them just work on that little part. In the end, all of the square could be put together to create a class masterpiece. This may be a good idea because then each student would get a chance to study a section of the painting in depth and see how they go together.   

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