Thursday, July 25, 2013


In what areas do you have a high degree of self-efficacy? I'm asking because I need some ideas. This is like when you go into a job interview and the person asks you "So, what do you think are your best and worst attributes as a worker?" Hmm...

I suppose if I had to choose areas in which I am effective, I would say attitude toward work and planning. Now, please do not think that I love work or that I am a good planner. Let me explain: what I really mean by attitude toward work is that I know the work will get done. I am an effective non-worrier. I can see the work piling up, which I often allow, but then I make a plan to finish everything and it magically gets done. I'm not one to worry too much about, oh I don't know, a gigantic unit plan that's due in 6 days. Everything always gets done in it's own time. This is a philosophy that I apply to work and life, much to the annoyance of many around me. But guess what? It works.

As for planning, I always plan without thinking that something can and will go wrong. However, when it inevitably happens, I am not deterred! The lesson will go on! I think I'm pretty good at thinking on my feet and changing plans as necessary, which I consider a great skill to have in teaching.

If we are talking about self-efficacy using Maxim's definition, that being a sense that you know you will succeed at something, and are applying it to certain subject areas, I would say that my sense of self-efficacy is probably high in most areas. This is not a statement of conceit. I know that I will crash and burn, and it won't be the first time. But, being a non-worrier and an adapter, I know that I will succeed in leading and teaching my students to the best of my ability.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the panic you evoke in Type A personalities like myself as an "effective non-worrier". :)
